Texas Sweat


Oh Texas, why must you continue to bombard me with your hot humidity? Know you not ’tis October? The month in my homeland of California is meant to be a happy one. The summer has gone, and fall is at the door. Were it not for your friendly natives, your tasty BBQ, your jackalope folklore, and your year round firework superstores I would be hard-pressed to return. Well, I could be over exaggerating. There’s a lot to love in Texas, especially when people are packing out venues.
Last night was a blast. Dallas has the nicest House of Blues I have been to yet.


It’s always a very moving thing to see people singing out, eyes closed, hands raised, in a place like this. I love being a part of a tour that stands for more than simply what is seen. It is very special and I am proud to be a part of it. The song I’ve been ending my set with every night is one off of the new CD called “True Love”. It’s the gospel in a song and every night I can’t wait to get to the bridge. It says the words “Jesus is alive!” over and over again, and I can’t help but smile every time I get to it. If those three words were not true then my whole life, everything I am about and for, would be meaningless. The fact that the grave could not hold Jesus, that He was victorious over death, is proof of who He is and seals everything He came to do. We are redeemd through His life. We are saved by His life. We will live forever in His life. Jesus is alive!

Today I find myself in Houston. Brody and I are sitting in the corner arm chairs of a middle America Starbucks. I believe he is blogging as well. Tonight is the biggest venue we play the entire tour, and needless to say I am very excited.
Hope you guys have a great day. ttyl,

~ by philwickham on October 6, 2007.

38 Responses to “Texas Sweat”

  1. Phil we’re really excited about seeing you tonight!
    Sorry about the humidity, we Texans don’t care much for it either…

  2. phil…you blow my mind…”true love” is my favorite song on your new cd. God has truley put you on this earth to sing of His glory and you are spreading His word magnificently…i find myself listening to your music in times of trouble and times of praise. thanks for helping me through the tough times. i can’t wait to see you and crowder in chicago. peace.

  3. Phil…..thought I’d let you know that back home here in Cali the temp is a perfect 73 degrees…and the fall air is crisp….and the leaves are turning a beautiful shade…..reds, yellows and oranges…..sorry you have to be in the humidity….good thing you have plenty of white v-necks!!!!!!!

    It is so cool to see the packed out houses in the pics you are posting…..may God continue to receive the Glory.

  4. i miss houston alot. especially the food. i told brody he needs to take you to pappasitos. if you haven’t been before…you’ve got to hit that up.

  5. haha that stinks, meaning the hottness.
    but hope the tour is going well for ya… seems like it! :]
    i love true love…. very powerful!! cant wait until you perform it here πŸ˜€
    god bless,

  6. Well Phil you know it Miami it’s ONLY hot and humid for 365 days. But that’s it.

  7. And Phil you make me so sad.
    I’ll pray every single day that one day you’ll come to your senses and finally come to South Florida.

  8. The concert last night ROCKED!!!! a friend from UCA come and picked me up from Texarkana and we drove to Dallas to see you!!!! The Myriad and DCB were amazing, but we drove in to see you!!!! Can’t wait to see you again!!! God Bless!

    P.S. i like the Cannons shirt!!!

  9. “And they sang a new song, saying: ‘You are worthy to take the scroll, And to open its seeals; For You were slain, And have redeemed us to God by Your blood Out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation, And have made us kings and priests to our God; And we shall reign on the earth…Worthy is the Lamb who was slain To receive power and riches and wisdom, And strength and honor and glory and blessing!” (Revelation 5:9-10,12)

    Praise You – Living – Reigning – Beautiful – Coming, King Jesus!

  10. catwoman is gonna be very happy to see that snow white is lookin more and more like mr flowers…

  11. It’s October 6th – the smell of chocolate chip cookies, the sweet strains of “True Love”, and tender memories all mingle in my kitchen as family arrives. Candles flicker, scripture is read, stories told. We laugh, we cry, we remember. Today was my father’s birthday. He would have been 53. Texas oh, Texas. My dad was from Texas. Dallas and Houston area. The humidity, the BBQ, the folklore, the fireworks… πŸ™‚ he knew them well. Many a Texas yarn was spun for our enjoyment over the years. He also knew well his “True Love” Jesus and that He was alive and by His blood he would live again – sealed for all eternity! All else paled beside his Jesus. Even as the surgeons rolled dad into surgery he prayed aloud over them. Before the anesthesia overtook him he worshiped his Heavenly Father in song one last time for every nurse, every surgeon, every soul with ears to hear… singing aloud, “What a friend we have in Jesus. All our sins and griefs to bear. What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer. Oh what peace we often forfeit. Oh what needless pains we bear. All because we do not carry everything to God in prayer…”

    Your songs – a soothing balm over my heart. Your blogs “humid” humor dryin’ up my tears. πŸ™‚ I just wanted to share how the Lord has used you in blessing me on this special day. Sweet, sweet Jesus hugs for me. Thank you God for your faithful servant and his heart for Christ.
    “All the days ordained for me were written in Your book before one of them came to be.” Pslam 139:16

  12. Phil,I appreciate you greatly. Your songs have meant so much to me today. It was a tough one. I wanted to be at the show tonight , but it just didn’t work out. You were in our prayers though. I must echo Melody in the post above. I agree, your songs are like a soothing balm over my hurting heart also. “Wait the Light Will Come” gave me such renewed hope tonight. Thank you Phil Wickham for that song and I thank our Lord for the way that you sing it. We love you P -Dub. You are such a blessing.

  13. Hey I was there with you last night! You were SOOOOOOO amazing! I was singing along and it was so wonderful! I got a loverly picture with you after the show and I must say you look dashing as always. πŸ˜€ You may remember me, I’m the one that screamed “I LOVE YOU PHIL!!!” at the end when you were packing up and you looked up at me! =D That so made my night! Thanks for everything and Cannons is so… I need to refer to a theasurus so give me some time and I’ll get back to you! =D Love ya lots!

  14. Mk, here goes!

    Cannons =
    awesome, fascinating, incredible, marvelous, prodigious, shocking, stunning, surprising, unbelievable, wonderful, breathtaking, awe-inspiring, heart-stirring, impressive, magnificent, moving, overwhelming, spine-tingling, stunning, thrillinung, precedented, amazing, astonishing, astounding, bang-up, best, breathtaking, cool, crack, extravagant, fantastic, fictitious, first class, gone, greatest, , immense, inconceivable, incredible, legendary, marvelous, mind-blowing, out-of-this-world, outrageous, phenomenal, prodigious, remarkable, spectacular, striking, stupendous, super, superb, terrific, unbelievable, unreal, wondrous, superhuman, mind-blowing, amazing, anomalous, astonishing, astounding, awesome, extraordinary, fabulous, incredible, inexplicable, magical, marvelous, , numinous, phenomenal, spectacular, staggering, stupefying, stupendous, superior, supermundane, supernatural, supranatural, thaumaturgic, the utmost, too much, unaccountable, unbelievable, unearthly, unimaginable, nothing less than we expect form Phil Wickham!


  15. …”soothing balm over my hurting heart” is accurate for me as well. during the worst and most painful year of my life God has used your music to bless and encourage me. thank you & rock on!

  16. Oh Phil, I know what you mean about hot humidity. I cannot stand weather like that. Right now its suppposed to be cool out in IL..but its hot..and I miss fall. haha.


  17. amen

  18. you were awesome tonight in Houston! thanks for signing my t shirt inside the heart that my friend pre-drew.

  19. Hey guys….looks like there is another Kim B. signing in now…remember I am kimmyb. now…and have it linked to my page. Just don’t want any confusion.

    Melody- your comment touched my heart… What a testimony your Father was to those Dr.’s and nurses…..the power of a person in love with Jesus is amazing

    Thank you Lord, she will see him again!!!

  20. β€œWhat a friend we have in Jesus. All our sins and griefs to bear. What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer. Oh what peace we often forfeit. Oh what needless pains we bear. All because we do not carry everything to God in prayer…”

    Melody Milbrandt: Thank you and thanks to Jesus for sharing because it rings true…praise God for your father whose life was a testament even until now after his death–Our heavenly Father is alive, living and powerful…His Holy Spirit is stirring our hearts. Darling Mel, thanks to JESUS for being our hope for living, therefore I am concluding with a smile, because you WILL see your dad in heaven…look for him at the pearly gates!:-)

    Phil Wickham: JESUS IS ALIVE!!!!! It was a blessing to read those words. I thank God always for you and pray that you will continue to be His faithful servant come what may. As this song goes, “…I rather have Jesus than anything…” I pray for revival, for Him to move more than ever before. We are in the last days and boy are lives being change through the words He has given you and others. Daddy, continue to be Phil’s strength, refuge, true love, and EVERYTHING! We love you Lord Jesus; may we not take any moment of this life for granted; instead may we celebrate the fact that, “…because You live, we can face tomorrow…!”

    “…The fact that the grave could not hold Jesus, that He was victorious over death, is proof of who He is and seals everything He came to do. We are redeemd through His life. We are saved by His life. We will live forever in His life. Jesus is alive!…”-PW

  21. hey phil- this is Heather Mcclurg from back home…. just wanted to tell you thank you for the new music and especially The Light will come; strange how incredibly intimate and personal a song can feel- its like you wrote it for me. What a gift! Stoked for you and the tour and remember that the maranatha friends are thinking of you and praying for every aspect of the tour. It is always good to see you and get a hug, even though they’re few and far between. I really do look forward to seeing you sometime later. Much love~ Heather

  22. Hey today me and my friends were talking about guys wearing skinny pants and I thought of you.

  23. Ya, Where in the world is FALL? It’s 88 degrees in Indiana!
    It’s not supposed to be this hot.

    And, I just have to say every time you hit that bridge, I go crazy. It stirs my heart and I rejoice.
    Jesus is alive!! AMEN!

  24. Yay for the tour…so happy things are going well. I am currently in Germany enjoying the aftermath of a friend’s wedding. I don’t like to fly, and wanted you to know that ‘Cannons’ helped me through most of my flight!! I left on the 3rd of October and was hoping I would get it in the mail in time…but I didn’t. Thankfully….I have iTunes!!!

    Much love, Philly Steak n’ Cheese!

    Jenny-girl in Karlstein/Dettingen.

  25. hey is that a mustash i see? well hope u r having fun! it was such a nice day here in cali sun was out and there was a nice brez! talk later! bye:)

  26. I went to your concert last night in Houston, and it was AMAZING!! thanks so much for sharing your wonderful music, and your love for Christ last night!

  27. Ha yeah the mustache is funny.
    It makes me want to call Phil something like Nacho or Pedro.

  28. I saw a comment on Evan Wickham’s myspace from Phil on 9/23/07 saying that Evan gets way more glitter graphics than he does…So I figured that we should rectify that situation for Phil. If you agree, go post a glitter comment to Phils myspace page ASAP! Thanks for your help!
    Christian Glitter by http://www.christianglitter.com

  29. Thanks for Cannons, Phil. It’s a sound of hopes and cries that unexpectedly were transmuted into music. “Must I Wait” got me the first time I heard it, and the whole album is a sort of documented journey. Never heard of ya before the whole Remedy tour thing, but now I’m glad I have, and I look forward to seeing you in Washington, D.C. in November!


  31. Believe it or not Phil, here in riverside, ca. we’ve been sleeping with our furnaces on. I know wierd weather. You look awfully warm, but you still manage to pull out that smile. God Bless you. Oh by the way, love the song “Beautiful”, it always makes me cry. See you back in California.

  32. This isn’t really related to this post, however, I would like to say I love cannons. When I refer to cannons, I am referring to the whole album. Thanks for making some beautiful music.

  33. Vocabulary Lesson for the Day:

    Good Morning- a common phrase greeting people before noon

    Stoked- the feeling one gets when they win tickets to a concert of one of the most passionate worship leaders of their generation

    Apprehension- the state of hoping one’s worhip experience won’t be clouded by a group of 7 13 year old girls shrieking “I love you Phil!”

    October 13th- the day of happiness

    See you on Saturday Phil. Looking forward to an awesome night of worship.

    Praise be to God our King for He is worthy of all our praise and so much…SO MUCH more!!!

    Your Sister In Christ,
    Forever His Clay >

  34. ‘Apprehension- the state of hoping one’s worhip experience won’t be clouded by a group of 7 13 year old girls shrieking β€œI love you Phil!”’

    I know how you feel… I can’t wait until Saturday though!

    Praise God for you Phil. You have obviously been such a blessing to all of our lives. Keep serving Jesus and following His will for your life.

    God bless and thank you! πŸ™‚

  35. AHHHH I won this week’s prize!!!
    I’m very happy (:

  36. congrats to miss Raquel……you da’ bomb!!!!! πŸ˜‰

  37. Isn’t Our Heavenly Father the sweetest?! I know you are sincerely grateful Raquel. Big Jesus hugs for you and thanks too for letting us in on your blessing so we can rejoice in this God gift with you. Hooray! πŸ™‚
    In Christ – Melody

  38. hmm…that is like the lowest v-neck shirt ive ever seen on a guy :/

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